

Huh!! Tak abis-abis Anwar Ni. Setahu BB, Tiada sebarang Permohonan Pun Dibuat Oleh Mana-Mana Pihak Kepada PDRM Untuk Menganjurkan Perhimpunan Ini Pada 8 Mei 2013 Pada Jam 8.00 malam.

Apa Kes Ni Beb?

BERSIH 4.0???

Korang Yang Malas Nak Klik Gambar Untuk Baca, Boleh Baca Isi Emailnya Di Bawah

6 MAY 2013

The recently concluded 13th General Election was marred with unprecedented electoral fraud. Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak and the Election Commission have chosen to ignore the wishes of the rakyat at their own peril despite their earlier pronouncements towards free and fair elections. This was despite massive popular support for the cause of clean and fair election.

Pakatan Rakyat won the popular vote by a large margin (50.3%, compared to BN’s 46.8%) confirming the mandate given to us. We won the election. This outcome also highlights that electoral fraud is the only way that BN and Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak can claim victory in the 13th General Election. 

Therefore, the Election Commission shall be held responsible for being complicit in the worst electoral fraud in our nation's history. A fight for clean and fair election remains the single most important fight that any Malaysians should embrace. I will devote my time and utmost energy towards working with BERSIH and the people of Malaysia to ensure that a newly constituted and independent Election Commission shall be in place as soon as possible to rectify the electoral fraud that has taken place.

Our conscience does not allow us to accept election results conjured through fraud and cheating. My heart is with every Malaysian who does not accept these results. I will work towards a national consensus to question the legitimacy of the BN’s government achieved through such electoral fraud.

The movement for change is unstoppable. The simple demand of the rakyat for a clean and fair election to ensure our elected government is accountable, transparent and incorruptible will continue to echo loudly in spite of the rigged 13th General Election.

I shall address the rakyat for the first time post the general election on Wednesday, 8 May 2013 at Kelana Jaya Stadium in Petaling Jaya, Selangor at 8:30 pm. Information about the event is here.

I call upon as many Malaysians to join hands and express our rejection and disgust at the unprecedented electoral frauds committed by Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak and the Election Commission.


Petaling Jaya, Malaysia 

PS: Information about the rally on May 8th is here:

Suara Rakat Suara Keramat
Pidato Anwar Ibrahim
Wednesday 8 May @ 8:30 PM
Kelana Jaya Stadium
near SS 7, Petaling Jaya, 47301 Damansara, Selangor

Keratan Akhbar Sinar Harian 

Ketua Polis Daerah Petaling Jaya, Asisten Komisioner Arjunaidi Mohammed berkata, setakat ini, penganjur belum memaklumkan mengenai perhimpunan itu kepada pihak berkuasa.

“Apa juga yang kita lakukan mesti mengikut undang-undang.

“Walaupun ia (perhimpunan) diadakan secara aman, penganjur perlu memaklumkan kepada polis supaya anggota polis boleh ditugaskan untuk mengawal trafik dan memastikan keselamatan peserta,” katanya.

Menurutnya, mengikut Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012, penganjur seharusnya memaklumkan polis dalam tempoh 10 hari sebelum perhimpunan dilaksanakan.

“Tindakan itu memudahkan polis memaklumkan kepada pihak berkaitan dan juga penduduk di kawasan sekitar lokasi perhimpunan,” katanya.

Dan Bukan BB Sorang Yang terima email ni ok. Ramai Lagi....

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9 Komen:

  1. negara yang aman jangan lah dicemarkan oleh tangan mu.

    harap tak usah lah keluar untuk perhimpunan ini.

    tunjuk kan sepakat yang membawa berkat..

    agar tiada peristiwa yang tidak di ingini boleh di kaitkan dengan bangsa kita.

    duduk lah rumah bersama keluarga yang disayangi.

  2. Kenapa Bersih tak nak bercakap tentang ketelusan pemilihan dalaman DAP dan pemilihan PKR sehingga Zaid Ibrahim keluar dari PKR sebagai protes..

    Bersih hanya perkakas PR..

  3. Tentera dan Polis standby, kali tembak bg mati sorang2 yg suka buat kacau...protes sana sini. asyik x puas hati je ada je yg x kena bila BN buat..time org depa buat, klu boleh nk diam lg @ sorok2 lg...tu la PR.

  4. tak guna kita berkata ngn lemah lembut pada orang2 gampang cam sinuar aljuburi ni apa2 kita ckp pun hati mereka ni sekeras hati syaitan hanya dengan kekerasan saje jln penyelesaian

  5. Tak puas hati macam mana lagi.... semua saluran ada wakil calon parti yang bertanding.

  6. cepat mampus lah BABI tu

  7. ni yang di katakan tabsup pada pemimpin, salah jadi betul betul jadi salah,kalau pemimpin mereka liwat depan mata pun mereka akan cakap bukan peminpin kami itu pelanduk dua serupa..dunia dah akhir zaman..

  8. bila nak berambus ke eropah anwar???? dah berapa hati pru13 selesai.. keje tak mula lagi.. tunaikan janji2 anda pd pgundi.. harga kete dah turun ke belum?

  9. haiiii x abih2, malu la tu x dapek pogi putrajaya...parah la negaro kalau ado 5ekor boruk tunggal camnih....skang nih dah ado 3 ekor boruk.


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