
UNSPINNER : Pembongkaran Individu-Individu "HEBAT" Dalam PEMANDU, JPM

Semuanya Salah PEMANDU!!! Itulah desas-desus di kalangan penjawat awam ketika ini tatkala berita dan tindakan yang diambil oleh kerajaan dalam "MENGURANGKAN" subsidi minyak. Rakyat jelata? Lagi la macam-macam caci dan maki yang disemburkan sampai ada juga yang menyesal kerana mengundi Barisan Nasional pada PRU13 yang lalu.

Jom kita ikuti pendedahan blog The Unspinners berkenaan PEMANDU. Dari senarai seramai 17 itu, 9 cina, 6 melayu dan 2 India. Kami tak timbukan isu kaum tapi agak-agak dari 17 cina itu, ada 10 tak undi BN untuk mereka jadi penasihat dan merangka polisi kerajaan?

Pic 1 - Walking drunk on the backstreets of KL.

Dari 6 Melayu itu pun, rupanya tak boleh diharapkan mereka ini benar-benar membantu kerajaan dan menjaga kepenitngan orang Melayu. Ada dah masuk orang putih macam satu email yang kami terima berikut:

PEMANDU .... is infested with PR/BERSIH supporters and has become an opposition Trojan Horse right in the heart of the PM's dept.

Scores of Pemandu senior staffers are totally unqualified to justify their HUGE salaries and perks. Many are outright incompetent and indeed a threat to our nation's security.

I give you one such glaring example below.

This person, Farah Intan Burhanudin barely made it thru UIA (with a couple of repeats) and was a total washout at Zaid Ibrahim & Co. After getting laid off from ZICO, she reappeared out of nowhere into a key post in Pemandu. She handles PDRM programmes and KPIs and monitors the police force on behalf of Najib and previously for Hishammuddin H. Onn as well. Hishammuddin thr weakling was in her pocket and she -- in HIS name -- could summon CPOs and OCPDs to her beck and call. 

Her partying lifestyle, heavy drinking and expensive trips overseas (disguised as "working visits") are well known in the office, where she is known as the Party Queen of Pemandu.

Her promiscuous liaisons with foreign men makes her vulnerable to undue influence by foreign interests and she could even be blackmailed into divulging national secrets to her foreign seductors.

Farah Intan is a security threat. Her lavish lifestyle, promiscuity and drinking habit makes her TOTALLY UNSUITABLE for her job. How can this drunk slut be advising softy Najib on anything? In the interest of our nation, pls get her and others like her removed from Pemandu. 

Pls see below the lifestyle of Farah Intan, a Najib advisor who will ruin our nation if left unchecked.


On holiday with foreign boyfriend.

Pics 3 & 4 - On the lap of a foreign (agent?). She is in Pemandu; ini sudah kena "di Pandu."

Pic 5 - More drinking parties with Singaporeans and other foreigners.
Pic 6 - Her Facebook page. More drunkard fooling around.

Pic 7 - Record of disciplinary action by Bar Council - for numerous unethical public behaviour ... 

AND this person right now is in the PM's dept. advising Najib and the cabinet over national security issues. Unbelievable!

Isy isy ... tiadakah pelajaran agama atau pemahaman moral langsung yang dipelajarinya di UIA? 

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4 Komen:

  1. shame on you NAJIB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. Ramai lgi dlm PEMANDU yg salah profesyen.There r who qualified in engine do the audit for finance...wat a hell la PEMANDU?Lulus dlm ilmu lain....jdi penasihat kpd Najib bdang lain.Hem.....??????

  3. naik malu aku undi bn tapi ketuan negara jadi mcm ni......

  4. x semua org dpt kerje dlm bidang yg die study mase grad.. tu realiti.. klu tak tau tu makne kate budak2 lagi or tak kluar uni pon. but seriously.. najib should filter all the bangsat barua pr yg cari makan dalam kerajaan.. buang aje.


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