Penulis cuma ingin bertanya, apa maksud "KANNINA?".
Apakah perasaan apabila dipanggil begitu ketika sedang menjalankan tugas? Apakah wajar dan patut menunjukkan keegoan, besar kepala dan kebodohan sendiri apabila melakukan sesuatu kesalahan?
Lihat dulu video ini :
Di sini penulis sekadar berkongsi beberapa komen pengguna FB terhadap aksi cina dan anggota polis yang terbabit :
"If you met with an accident and it is your fault kindly don't show your big head and you stupidity as if you are the victim...idiot.."
why are you so sour when it comes to chinese??? You never realize that chinese will always provoke the police? Do you really think chinese will obey the law? Who normally offers bribes to let themselve go? Come on bro, get real....we have posted so many clips showing how chinese provoking the police and tell me who is above the law now???

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