
HUTANG : Paku Buah Keras Najib Buat Menteri Kewangan, LGE

Bekas Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata Jaminan Kerajaan dan Tanggungan Kerjasama Awam Swasta (PPP) bukan satu bentuk hutang.

Dalam satu kenyataan di laman Facebook, Najib berkata Jaminan Kerajaan tidak pernah dirujuk sebagai ukuran hutang kerajaan, termasuk ketika era Tun Dr Mahathir memerintah sebelum ini.

“Kami (kerajaan lepas) tidak sembunyikan hutang RM300 bilion. Kita ikut pendefinisian hutang antarabangsa.

“Kerajaan sebelum ini mematuhi garis panduan laporan hutang awam antarabangsa seperti ditakrif Dana Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF) dan Bank Dunia.

“Jadi jumlah hutang 50.8 peratus (bagi Malaysia) adalah diterima secara sejagat," katanya.

Menteri Kewangan Lim Guan Eng pada Khamis mendedakan hutang negara mencecah RM1 trilion akibat Jaminan Kerajaan sebanyak RM199.1 bilion dan Tanggungan PPP sebanyak RM201.4 bilion.

Tambah Najib kerajaan memberi jaminan kepada beberapa entiti yang dimiliki bagi mengurangkan kos pembiayaan mereka.

“Ia biasanya tanggungan jangka panjang yang disokong aset yang mampu menjana keuntungan,” katanya 

Bagi PPP pula, Najib berkata ia bukan satu bentuk hutang sebaliknya merupakan perbelanjaan operasi.

“Ia demi infrastruktur social yang amat diperlukan seperti sekolah, balai polis, hospital, universiti dan lain-lain," jelasnya.

Najib berkata kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) sebelum ini telus dan tidak pernah menyembunyikan angka hutang seperti didakwa.

“Semua angka ini diterbitkan dalam Laporan Perbendaharaan, Laporan BNM, Laporan Ketua Audit, dan Laporan Perakaunan Am setiap tahun tanpa gagal," katanya sambil menambah penganalisis pasaran dan pelabur juga tahu perkara tersebut.

Berikut posting Najib di FB beliau :
Wrong to call it a bail out of 1MDB. 
1. The new Minister of Finance has made allegations that under the previous government, MOF, Khazanah and Bank Negara Malaysia had to "bail-out" 1MDB debts, to the tune of RM 7 billion. Not only is this misleading, it is a politically-motivated attempt to obscure the facts. 
2. In accordance with the recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Report on 1MDB, all of 1MDB's valuable and strategic real estate assets have been transferred to other companies owned by MOF Inc. Over time, these prime real estate assets can be worth up more than RM 30 billion. 
3. However, although MOF Inc took over the assets, the debt or liabilities of 1MDB remained in the company. Accordingly, the arrangement, as I can confirm, is for MOF Inc to service 1MDB debts, but in return for taking over the assets.  
4. Put another way, had those assets remained in 1MDB, it could have developed and sold the assets on its own, and used the proceeds to pay its debt.  
5. To fulfil its obligations, MOF can use various methods, including sale of land (eg to Bank Negara Malaysia) or by collecting debt repayments (eg from Khazanah).  
There is nothing wrong with such transactions, as each was approved per the relevant governance frameworks, were conducted on an ‘arms length’ basis and followed the correct laws and procedures. 
6. Therefore, the question of MOF or BNM or Khazanah bailing out 1MDB does not arise at all. It is in fact downright misleading to make such allegations. MOF Inc took over assets and it must be responsible for the liabilities- that is the only correct way, legally and accounting-wise.  
7. It is therefore wrong of the Minister of Finance to only highlight the debts of 1MDB. By right, the Minister of Finance must also inform the public about the assets of 1MDB that have been taken over. 
8. The Minister of Finance must ‘walk the talk’ on CAT.  He has to be transparent to tell the full story and not just half a story in order to deceive.

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4 Komen:

  1. Kira pakai excel.. biasa la..
    Dan ingat ni mcm hutang simple dgn ceti kot..
    Apa ni pm mathir? Lantik badut jadi menteri kewangan??
    Hancur la mmg hutang jadi 1 trillion la lepas ni.. nak sgt kan..?

  2. Bodoh punya tokong di deal dia ingat hutang tu mcm deal beli banglo murah kot

  3. Nak tunjuk pandai konon tapi bengap..hahhaa

  4. menteri kewangan ni banglo lajak murah pun fail nak estimate value ini kan pulak estimate yg lebih kompleks.

    banyak menteri bangang mesia baru'a ni rupanya. ni la bila fitnah jadi makanan ruji depa selama kini.

    kira hutang negara guna excel mikrosoft


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