

Memalukan!!! Biadap!!! Ko ingat ko ni ahli parlimen komunis ke? Sial ar lu.... kannina.....DAP semakin menyerlahkan komunisme yang ada pada diri mereka. Awak tu ahli Parlimen. Bagi la contoh yang baik sikit!!!

Oh...Pengerusi DAP Sarawak rupanya....

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2 Komen:

  1. Woi, MP PUKIMAK, I have gone to the cinemas twice where I willingly stood up for the national anthem. What is your fucking problem? You will only stand up for the Singapore anthem?
    Woi, FUCKING BASTARD, this is to celebrate Malaysia Day and the Merdeka. It is not all year round. You make speeches and incite hatred and racism, yet you can't even explain to your racist friends why we stand up for the national anthem during national celebrations?? Are you that STUPID? Is your brain so corrupted with hatred and racism that you can't looks beyond your sewer mentality?

    You, MP PUKIMAK, is the very reason why DAP cinabengs are hated in this country. You preach hatred and you are fucking racists.

    PUKIMAK is the only suitable description for a chow chee bai such as yourself!

    If you hate this country so much, GET THE FUCK OUT!!! LEAVE THIS COUNTRY, YOU RACIST UNGRATEFUL PUKIMAK!!!!!!!

  2. Eh MP PUKIMAK, are your friends as stupid and racist as you are??

    Do you know that in the US, the whole stadium stands up for their national anthem before a Baseball game. ALL YEAR ROUND! By your stupid and idiotic reasoning, the US of A must be a communist nation, right?

    MP PUKIMAK, get your mind out of the LONGKANG politic mode la. Do something good for the people you represent and not just furthering the cause of YOUR chinese race and your DAP party at the expense of other races. You are a racist bigot and a SHINING example of another DAP PUKIMAK!!!


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