VIDEO : Aksi Terlampau Krew Air Asia Dalam Pesawat!!!

Apa Dah Jadi? Air Asia Please Jawab!! 

Ini Bukannya Pub, Ini Dalam Pesawat!!! Adakah Termaktub Dalam SOP Penerbangan?

6 ulasan:

  1. Love it,at least it adds color to the ever serious ambience.I am confident that the crews are vigilant in the safety aspect.

  2. Neo Anderson LevineMac 28, 2014 2:50 PTG

    i am fine with it as long they take a measure on safety aspect

  3. Neo Anderson LevineMac 28, 2014 2:51 PTG

    i am fine with it as long they take a measure on safety aspect

  4. Tak salah. (not wrong). Same goes to some country they Blessing people like thais "Sawasdeekrub" & show hand symbol. Air Asia Malaysia & Indonesia different. Not a big deal. plus mat saleh rakam, kenapa malaysian guna video utk hentam? jeles kah? or xde keje?

  5. lunadanisha@gmail.comMac 29, 2014 1:41 PTG

    Yess no big deal...ok saja maa!!..thumbs Up..


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